8 steps Last year, while on tour with the #futureready leaders work I was helping to lead, I was scheduled to co-present at a conference with two young teacher leaders in Maryland. However, I got stuck in Iowa and we decided the best way to have me share my portion of the presentation was through video. I came across the video today and thought some of you might be interested in the content.

In the just over 10 min presentation I share 8 steps for growing as a connected learner.

I invite you to dialog with me in the replies below as to your reaction, possible push back, or other ideas you might have about this topic. How are you growing as a connected learner?

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Sheryl is the co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Powerful Learning Practice. She works with schools and districts from around the world helping them to infuse technology into their curriculums and by leading other digital conversion efforts. Sheryl also consults with governments, educational organizations and non-profits in development of their various professional learning initiatives. Sheryl is a sought-after presenter at national and international events, speaking on topics related to digital and online learning, teacher and educational leadership, online community building, and other educational issues impacting children of poverty. Sheryl served on the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Board of Directors for six years. She co-authored The Connected Educator: Learning and Leading in a Digital Age with Lani Ritter Hall. Sheryl has four children and four grandsons, Luke, Logan, Levi and Tanner and a trio of dachshunds. You can find out more on her blog and on Twitter @snbeach.

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