My ISTE11 Experience: Confessions of an Introvert

Cross posted I spent the better part of the beginning of this week at ISTE11 in Philadelphia.  While there is so much to digest, I want to share an initial reflection. To do that I need to return to January and Educon 2.3.  When I left Educon 2.3 this winter, I felt...

3 Big Ideas from Leadership Bootcamp

It isn’t until someone asks you to articulate why or how an event changed your life that you realize it is really hard to do. Maybe, for me, it’s because it’s been three years since my professional life changed and it’s hard to recall where I was in my thinking at that time. Or maybe it’s because life now is so much more fulfilling that I don’t reflect enough on the journey that brought me to the here and now. If that’s the case, it’s time to do so.

Support and Invest in Education

It’s that time of year again. Budget season. Please allow me to offer a few thoughts, not only on some of the recent local comments that I have read and heard relative to this year’s budget, but also of the value we place on education and the professionals...

(Not) Getting It

A non-educator in whom I have unparalleled respect for was recently sharing her concerns over her son’s “young” teacher.  Her son (Johnny) was coming home complaining about his teacher’s inability to teach and while she reserved judgment at the...