Skills Every 21st-C Teacher Should Know

Have you mastered the 21st century skills every teacher should know? That means, says teacher Susan Lucille Davis: Being a model learner for your students and fellow educators; stepping up and taking charge of your own learning to gain the skills you need; learning from the best teachers you can find, and, finally, giving back to your professional community by sharing what you learn.

Video Conferencing from Your Classroom

Talk to and write with a well-known author. Visit the zoo and learn about endangered species. Immerse yourself in Mardi Gras tradition with students and teachers who live in New Orleans. Travel to the White House. Or to an ancient Roman villa. Or even to China. Video conferencing offers so many opportunities for teachers and students to learn from experts, colleagues or kids their own age. Stephanie Bader shares some of what she’s learned and asks you to add to the knowledge base.