Skills Every 21st-C Teacher Should Know

Have you mastered the 21st century skills every teacher should know? That means, says teacher Susan Lucille Davis: Being a model learner for your students and fellow educators; stepping up and taking charge of your own learning to gain the skills you need; learning from the best teachers you can find, and, finally, giving back to your professional community by sharing what you learn.

iPads in Primary: Does 1-to-1 Make a Difference?

Management of our iPads is more of a hassle than I had anticipated. But it is clear to me that these devices ARE making a difference. When I see the students’ engagement, their learning, their sharing and their pursuit of their passions, I can’t help but be convinced that these devices have the potential to transform my classroom.

My Students Reflect on Norway's Connected-Testing Pilot

After accessing the Internet for the first time during a high-stakes exam, one Norway student wrote: “I felt more secure on my facts and it made it so much easier for me to write my paper. I hope that in the future it will be normal to use the internet during the exam because you can support your arguments with facts you find from reliable sources. The future is technology, and we should be able to use what we can to prove what we are able to do!”