Dear Hollywood: School Doesn't Look Like This

Everything we hope and expect our classrooms to be — and our students to be doing — is nowhere to be found on episodic television or in the cinema. Look hard for any type of technology being used in the classrooms portrayed on television today. It’s pretty much not there. Teachers are still portrayed as sages on the stage, students still stuck in neat rows. It’s time to demand a change!

Tough Being a Student

Early on, we ask our PLPers to remain students themselves–not to gravitate toward tools that might be useful in the classroom, but instead to participate fully in conversations and discussions, using tools to do so. It’s hard, as one teacher said in our...

What Do We Keep? What Do We Throw Away?

Cross-posted I’ve got a couple of keynotes coming up and submitted this as the title. I’m good at that; coming up with a title and then figuring out what to say. I realize that’s probably the worst way to develop something but that’s how I...