Do you have a sudden need for remote learning?

We’re seeing a lot of schools across the world begin to think about what remote learning could like, and on top of that, how fast the plan can be put in place. 

There are so many factors to consider: What structures are currently in place? If not much exists, how fast can we create the framework? How do I make sure my teachers know how to effectively teach online? How can teachers and parents work together to support the students learning from home? How do parents juggle their own work, worries and responsibilities during a challenging time, while at the same time facilitating their children’s learning? 

There are a lot of questions, and a lot of possibilities for what remote learning can look like, to make things more interesting, there is no “one size fits all” approach. Remote learning plans will look different for most districts because of the students they serve. 

One thing we know for sure is that we don’t want students to lose the momentum or the continuity of their learning. But the million-dollar question is – does the momentum have to look the same as it does on a daily basis within the school building? 

Another option?

Could there be another possibility that supports students in learning, but does not require full curriculums being rewritten and digitized? Don’t get me wrong, that route is very powerful and impactful but with limited time and maybe limited resources, the driving criteria is how can something be quickly put in place so that students do not skip a beat and are still on track with learning? 

One solution is by utilizing Passion-Based Projects. Giving students the structure and guidance to complete a Passion- Based Project makes perfect sense while they’re learning from home.  What might this look like? There are so many possibilities! 

Remote Passion-Based Learning

Create a printed guide or an online course that provides students the structure to develop their passion-based project, it can be personalized to grade level and incorporate various subjects and topics. 

Here are some basics to consider including:

Research skills: 

  • Where to find information
  • How to synthesize the information
  • How to curate resources 
  • How to look at resources with a critical eye  

Asking questions: 

  • Finding a focus for their resource
  • What questions do they have about their topic? 

Guidelines for demonstrating their knowledge: 

  • This can range from using technology to hands-on projects 
  • Giving resource packets with needed materials, as many options as possible, as home resources might vary
  • Students can also gather materials before they leave school that might support them 

A template to create an investigation plan 

A parent guide encourages them to facilitate the learning with suggestions on how to gather inexpensive, readily available resources.

Ongoing support of student learning has many possibilities:

  • Teachers can meet with students to check-in via video conferencing tools such as Zoom or Google Hangouts. 
  • An online community can be created where students can post their progress and support one another using Google Classroom or other kid-friendly collaborative tools.
  • If technology is limited, text messaging apps can be used, such as WhatsApp or Remind. 

What might a passion-based remote learning plan look like for you, your district, or your students? Here are a few examples below. 

Let us know below, is your school putting a plan in place for remote learning? If so, what are somethings being included? Could Passion-Based learning be apart of your plan?

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Jennifer Bloomingdale

Jennifer Bloomingdale graduated from the College of St. Rose with a Bachelors in Childhood Education and a Masters in Educational Technology. She is a former classroom teacher who developed a passion for integrating technology and assisting others in doing so. Jennifer has been an eCourse facilitator at Powerful Learning Practice since 2012, where she developed and facilitated courses on using Google Apps for Education and integrating technology. Her work at PLP introduced her to the world of coaching, which has lead to her becoming a certified evocative coach and an instructional coach.

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