Powerful Learning Practice Blog

Ready, set, chat! Join us for a #PLPNetwork Twitter Chat April 29!

It's time to rock the Twitterverse again with a #PLPNetwork Twitter chat! Sunday, April 29 at 7pm EDT NY, you're invited to join us for our second #plpnetwork Twitter chat! The topic for our chat: Who Rocks Your World (Pedagogically)? With everything that's out there,...

Growing your PLN with Twitter

Powerful Learning Practice is passionate about transforming education in the 21st century. We believe in helping educators create a strong network (PLN) where their voice and ideas can be shared. This is part one of our new blog series on how to grow your PLN with Twitter.

Civility, Social Justice, Empathy & Social Networking in the 21st Century Classroom

My teaching mission is simple yet absolutely necessary to helping my students prepare for their futures. I began this school year with a list of questions that could help me envision, plan, reflect and maintain focus on where my students and I needed to be when the last bell rings in late May. Out of my personal questioning and reflection came what would be the essential question for my 11th grade social studies students during our time together: “What does it mean to be a citizen nationally, globally and digitally?”

"Do Not Tell Me You Do Not Have Time" to meet the needs of 21st century learners

Tim Holt’s new post — “Ballad of a Frustrated Staff Developer” — has stirred lively comment at our Voices from the Learning Revolution group blog. Tim, an IT leader & tech integration specialist in El Paso, Texas, was letting off some serious steam when he penned his poetic plea DO NOT TELL ME. He recounts many “excuses” he’s heard from teachers about why they can’t more fully engage in shifting their instruction to meet the needs of 21st century learners. Read Tim’s post, some thoughtful pushback, and a supportive reply from PLP leader Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach.

Teaching Cross-Cultural Communication in a Connected World

A great many of our students today can count on communicating at a global level throughout their adult lives. It’s our responsibility as educators of 21st century learners to help them become very aware of and sensitive to the cultural and behavioral differences that are inevitable when communication can take place instantaneously from any two or more points across the planet Earth.

Diving Deeply: Networks or Communities?

I’ve been thinking about where I’m finding my best support for my own learning these days. While I’ve been going to my Twitter network and saving links, resources, and graphics to help me plan a new technology integration course for teachers, I’ve found that it’s actually my community of inquiry within Powerful Learning Practice that has lead me to the deepest learning. I think I owe it to my learners to help them understand that while Twitter networks might lead them to incredible contacts and resources, our classroom community will be where they can get down and dirty with some really messy learning.

Sharing What We Know about Online Communities of Practice

Powerful Learning Practice is among a half-dozen “Notable” case-study communities currently featured at the Connected Educators project website.
One strategy of the USDOE-supported project is to produce in-depth interviews with leaders in the online community-of-practice world, and the site is currently featuring an informative Q&A with PLP leader and CEO Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach.

Consectetur Ligula Etiam

Fusce mauris dapibus, tellus cursus ac commodo, tortor condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed...

Meet Our Advisory Board: Howard Rheingold

As our Powerful Learning Practice Network grows, we are doing some amazing things with communities of practice, e-learning, raising the voices of forward-looking practitioners, and more. With these and other PLP initiatives underway, we felt it was time to establish an advisory board to help us keep our work out on the edge of professional learning in the 21st century.