Every Coach Needs a Coach

A CLE add-on that provides “just-in-time” learning for your instructional coaches

Share ideas and learn together through this time of opportunity and change

Never before has there been a better time to build capacity in your instructional coaches.

To further impact your CLE team, why not include an instructional coach add-on that offers free participation with the team as well as the following: 


Self-Paced Coaching Course

In this self-paced course, your coaches will take a deep dive into a blended, instructional coaching model that will build capacity to enable and support growth and change across your faculty.

Laser Coaching 

Ten, 50-minute sessions with a highly trained instructional coach that can help provide solutions to your coaches’ most burning questions and challenges. 


Connected Learning

Includes a dedicated connected learning group inside the PLP Community Hub, where you will have access to a robust learning library, relevant threaded discussions, and other experienced coaches.


Community capacity building through a relational approach to achieve student success. 

Add-on price: $450.00 per coach, bulk pricing available*

*add-ons only available with a paid CLE team