Remote Learning Webinar Series

 Join us for a free webinar series on what you need to get started with remote learning.  


Remote Planning

Webinar 1: Planning For the Possibility of Remote Learning 

Watch the archive below 

Amid COVID-19 fears, many of us in schools are grappling with how to develop plans and prepare for remote learning as a real possibility. We are here to help.

Join the folks at Powerful Learning Practice as they share concrete plans and examples of what other schools and districts are doing in the midst of the panic to ensure learning continues seamlessly. 

In this webinar we will: 

    • share what should be included in both district guidelines and curriculum planning (at both the district and teacher level).
    • think about big issues like SPED services, making sure kids have meals, waivers for seat time requirements and more. 
    • address the equity issue in terms of technology access. 
    • provide vetted examples of plans already in place to save you time in creating yours.
    • share a variety of options for what remote learning could look like so you can determine what model would best fit your district, teachers, and students. 
    • provide resources and options for organizing and creating content online so you can efficiently plan for standards aligned content for teachers and students. 
    • discuss establishing schedules and timelines for implementation of remote learning.


Webinar 2: Getting Started with Remote Learning

Thursday, March 26, 2020 at 7PM – 8PM Eastern

With the onset of the Coronavirus threat, schools are being faced with the possibility of providing remote instruction to their students, in many cases, without even knowing where to start. We want to help.

Join the folks at Powerful Learning Practice as they share tips, tricks and strategies from their twelve years of experience with remote teaching and learning. Let us help you enable your educators as empowered learners, teachers, and leaders who are comfortable with facilitating online learning.


Remote Learning

In this webinar we will: 

  • help you prioritize steps to take in preparing for and implementing online learning.
  • share options/tools for creating online spaces for teachers and students to collaborate.
  • provide best practices for creating and curating content, including creating videos and other step by step facilitation techniques.
  • discuss collaboration tips for co-creation of content and digital assessments.
  • brainstorm low tech ideas for in-home teaching. 
  • discuss how to communicate and strategize with parents or those facilitating the learning at home.
  • list options for on/off grid learning.
  • discuss how to maximize on what already exists by converting in classroom materials into ready made remote lessons.
  • discuss schedules and timelines as a means of establishing clear expectations and communication.


Remote Learning

Webinar 3: Best Practices For Teaching and Learning Online 

Thursday, April 2nd, 2020 at 7PM – 8PM Eastern

With the onset of the Coronavirus threat, schools are being faced with the possibility of providing remote instruction to their students. More times than not the quality of teaching and learning suffers when we try to digitize our face-to-face learning efforts. We want to help.

Join the folks at Powerful Learning Practice as they share tips, tricks and strategies from their twelve years of experience with remote teaching and learning. Let us help you enable your educators as empowered learners, teachers, and leaders who are comfortable with facilitating online learning.  

In this webinar we will: 

  • share what to consider when starting an online community for students, including digital citizenship concepts to support the development of a thriving learning community for your school or classroom. 
  • discuss effective communication plans to support parents as they facilitate their students learning at home.
  • share best practice examples of online lessons and activities that engage and include the students as active learners. 
  • share best practice examples of live meeting strategies that can be utilized to create engaging and interactive online lessons.
  • discuss how to incorporate multiple means of effective course design and how to address differentiation for learners.
  • look at different strategies such as PBL, Design Thinking, Genius Hour, and more as a means to organize learning.


Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach

Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach

Powerful Learning Practice co-founder & CEO

Sheryl is the co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of  Powerful Learning Practice.  She works with schools and districts from around the world helping them to infuse technology into their curriculums and by leading other digital conversion efforts. Sheryl also consults with governments, educational organizations and non-profits in development of their various professional learning initiatives. Sheryl is a sought-after presenter at national and international events, speaking on topics related to digital and online learning, teacher and educational leadership, online community building, and other educational issues impacting children of poverty.  Sheryl served on the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Board of Directors for six years. She co-authored The Connected Educator: Learning and Leading in a Digital Age with Lani Ritter Hall. Sheryl has four children and four grandsons, Luke, Logan, Levi and Tanner and a trio of dachshunds. You can find out more on her blog and on Twitter @snbeach.


Jennifer Bloomingdale

Jennifer Bloomingdale

Director of Community Engagement at Powerful Learning Practice

Jennifer Bloomingdale graduated from the College of St. Rose with a Bachelors in Childhood Education and a Masters in Educational Technology. She is a former classroom teacher who developed a passion for integrating technology and assisting others in doing so. Jennifer has been an eCourse facilitator at Powerful Learning Practice since 2012, where she developed and facilitated courses on using Google Apps for Education and integrating technology. Her work at PLP introduced her to the world of coaching, which has lead to her becoming a certified evocative coach and an instructional coach.