Powerful Learning Practice Blog

My Students Put Their 21st Century Skills to the Test

This exciting and demanding opportunity for my students to serve as ejournalists at Canada’s National Rural Congress is the “exam” I’ve been preparing them for. I think this is the future of education: authentic tasks; embedded, mobile, BYOD technology. What students can memorize and spew back on a Biology or English final has no ability to tell me how they will perform in a high pressure situation like this. But I think they’re up for the task.

Juggling Plates, Leading Change

In her new position as Westtown School’s Director of Teaching & Learning, Margaret Haviland says she is “mindful of the many ’21st century learning’ advocates who hold up for us a world in which our students will work in jobs that have yet to be created and likely will hold numerous jobs over the course of their lives. I see this school year as one of living into that experience as I sort through what this new position I’ve accepted will look like.”

Ultricies Risus Adipis

Fusce mauris dapibus, tellus cursus ac commodo, tortor condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed...

Inquiring About Teacher Inquiry

In year two, our Digital Learning Collaborative teams look at what they’ve learned and apply it in their classrooms. Using an inquiry model, we ask the teams to evaluate what impact their use of technology is having on students. But more often than I’m comfortable with, teams balk at this point in the process. Some of them do not want to do this work. That keeps me up at night.

Meet our team: Brenda Sherry

Powerful Learning Practice has expanded its staff and brought some fascinating new minds (and fresh ideas) to our team. We’d like to introduce our team to you, one by one, and so we’ve come up with seven questions for each of them so you can have a little peek into what they’re thinking and who they are.

What Is Creativity?

School/Cohort: Australia's Connect U Team Name: Creativity Team members: Mel Cashen, Jodi Woodward, Michelle Blanksby, Kynan Robinson, Kristen Swenson, Simone Hobbs, Kimberley Hall, Elyse Gill, Clare Rafferty Problem, Issue, or Possibility: What is Creativity? What do...