Powerful Learning Practice Blog

Getting Help When You Need It Most

Getting Help When You Need It Most

Fear Led In talking to leaders, teachers and parents, the one thing I am hearing over and over is everyone- and I mean everyone- is scared. Scared of the unknown. Scared of change. Scared to go back to work. Scared to NOT go back to work. Scared of getting sick....

Zoom: Breakout Choice Workaround

Zoom: Breakout Choice Workaround

Powerful Learning Practice (PLP) has hosted more than our share of webinars, conferences, and online meetings over the last 13 years using tools like Meet, Hangout, and Skype. We began our online conferencing years ago using Elluminate (which is now Blackboard...

Connected Coaching eCourse Starts July 20th!

Connected Coaching eCourse Starts July 20th!

Five years ago I took Connected Coaching as a participant having no idea how it would change my trajectory in education or how deeply it would impact my role as a facilitator and coach. Looking back, I'm able to see it was one of a few big turning points in my career...

PLP Community Hub Free Micro-Workshops!

PLP Community Hub Free Micro-Workshops!

The PLP Community Hub was opened last month and we have so enjoyed welcoming our founding members! If you're not familiar with the PLP Community Hub it includes: A community. One that has the ability to create topics, groups, and more. A community that will help...

Coffee Chat July 7th: Equity in Schools

Coffee Chat July 7th: Equity in Schools

On Tuesday, July 7th, Kim Corbin, Powerful Learning Practices new Culturally Responsive Specialist lead us in a discussion around equity in schools and what to consider when addressing equity in schools. It was a thoughtful and encouraging conversation around what we...

The Power of Reflection

The Power of Reflection

Self Reflection As we go into July, many educators are still processing the past few months, are thinking about the summer ahead (a much-needed break!) and trying to figure out what fall is going to look like....there is a lot going on. One thing that sometimes gets...

One Thing We Need, No Matter What the Reopen Plan is….

One Thing We Need, No Matter What the Reopen Plan is….

Right now there is a lot of uncertainty around the future of education; we're all waiting to hear what's next and the plan for reopening our schools. For most schools we've seen three options floating around: 1) virtual, 2) hybrid with staggered scheduling and 3)...