You're Allowed

Cross-posted Reading Seth Godin is a little bit like attending a fancy, high end reception..not necessarily a full meal but lots of juicy, interesting little items to snack on. Like this one: “How long did it take after the birth of blogs or Twitter for you to...

How Can I Help?

What would you like to improve about your teaching? What are your strengths? Where could you use some guidance? These are the kind of questions our Cognitive Coaches will be asking as they begin working in a new capacity . Community Leaders Lani Ritter Hall and Dean...

What Do We Keep? What Do We Throw Away?

Cross-posted I’ve got a couple of keynotes coming up and submitted this as the title. I’m good at that; coming up with a title and then figuring out what to say. I realize that’s probably the worst way to develop something but that’s how I...

El Paso: A Mid Term Assessment

By: Dean Shareski Unlike other cohorts, the El Paso PLP group is half done their year. They began in late February and will be working until December. Summer break represents a mid year break in their PLP work. In addition, this cohort is comprised of all elementary...