Powerful Learning Practice Blog

Ohio is the place to be

By Susan Carter Morgan One school. Two great days. In October, following the Ohio cohort PLP session at Glacier Ridge Elementary, PLP alum Christian Long will be presenting for The Literacy Connection. From the website: This day-long session is designed to highlight...

Connecting f2f-Finally!

By Robin Ellis PLPeeps from all over the world found each other f2f recently, and for many it was like coming home! ISTE 2010 this year was held in Denver, Colorado and for the first time PLPĀ attended and participated in the conference as a vendor. Our booth on...

Voices for Change

We had more PLP Open Mic goodness last night, led by Will Richardson and Shelly Blake-Plock. Those in the room challenged each other to discuss rethinking leadership--what it means and how to effect change. Will posted about it on his blog, and the link to the chat is...

Be the Leader

By Susan Carter Morgan Scott McLeod over at dangerously irrelevant is calling on all bloggers to once again participate in his Leadership Day. Using whatever response form works for you--blog, podcast, photo--he asks you to join him in discussing "whatever you like...

PLP Open Mic, Where Sharing Happens

By Susan Carter Morgan How does the role of teaching have to change? Does it? Last night's PLP open mic discussion rocked! Will Richardson challenged the group of assembled educators at the second Open Mic session to discuss the role of teaching. And assisted by...

Seeing the Big Picture

"Going deeper," was the phrase Kim McGill used when she described her PLP process last year. "Sometimes you lose sight of the big picture." Kim's team was part of the Ontario cohort, from Avon Maitland where she serves as Curriculum Coordinator for Secondary Programs....

Providing the Vision, Letting Go

Sometimes the best way to move ahead is to take a step back. For Linda Nitsche, the letting go wasn't difficult since she sees how her Pennsylvania district is embracing the vision she and her TriState PLP team put forward last year. "I think we were trying to bring a...

Are you ready to go global?

By Nancy Flanagan Did you ever let yourself dream about what schools would be like if all teachers were familiar with high and rigorous standards for professional teaching--or spent time every week gathering consistent and convincing evidence of student learning in...

PLP Lends Support to Teachers' Voices

By Susan Carter Morgan Community building and developing teacher leaders matter to PLP. And once again, we were happy to provide a resource for teachers to have a voice. Diane Ravitch, author and professor of education and Congresswoman Judy Chu spoke to a group of...

Matters of the Heart

By Sheryl Nussbaum Beach (cross-posted on 21st centurycollaborative.com) A good friend told me that he heard another friend whining about how he wished educational bloggers would get back to blogging from the heart. It struck a cord with me. While I am anything but...