TEDxNYED: Here it comes again

Do you remember hearing about TEDxNYED last year? So many great speakers. I spent the evening with friends near 89th Street and couldn’t stop talking about what I had heard, what I had learned. It was worth the flight up from DC that morning. And now we have the...


Cross-Posted Phone rings. It’s Saturday, why are they calling me so early? The dogs decide it is time to get up and start my day anyway. I am up, coffee, walk outside, shiver and decide I will come up to the office and learn something. I open my email and there...

Crowdsourcing Alternatives to Delicious

Cross-posted Twitter was abuzz with the news that Yahoo! will be shutting down Delicious, the popular social bookmarking site. Delicious has been a very valuable tool to me for several years now, and I, like others, will be sad to see it go. However, rather than dwell...

This Still Has Me Thinking

(I posted this last summer, but it still has me thinking.) The Zotero group started by Wendy Drexler is often where I look for research regarding issues that interest me. Today, I had a focused discussion with a friend on whether teachers’ personalities made...