A well established and beautiful perennial—
Yet a shifting landscape–
And in the fall a careful, nurturing move to a another location.
Then waiting the winter–
Finally, spring followed a long NE Ohio winter—
And a sigh and happiness at finding green leaves that hold promise for blooms of great beauty on a Maltese Cross (Lychnis chalcedonica)–

Perhaps similar to the PLP process—

Accomplished educators in the Illinois/Ohio cohort —
Yet a shifting learning landscape—
Eight months of pushing, encouraging movement to 21st century practice within the community by Will and Sheryl.
Waiting for trailers of team projects that would preview potential for upcoming extraordinary learning—
And with the 4th cohort Elluminate session, the unearthing of great promise in the snippets revealed by teams

From the titles, tell tale signs of successful shifting!

From Avoca, IL ( http://avoca37.org/ ): Tech Bytes and Blog Wild

From Sunset Ridge,IL ( http://www.sunsetridge29.net/sunsetridge29/site/default.asp ): Budding Bloggers

From Northbrook, IL ( http://ww1.northbrook28.net/ ): Tech Buddy, No Teacher Left Behind, Voicethread, and NBJH NING

From Leyden, IL ( http://www.leyden212.org/ ): Web 2.0 Tools Summary

From Bedford, OH ( http://www.bedford.k12.oh.us/index.asp ): BefordPDShare

From East Maine, IL ( http://www.emsd63.org/ ): PLP

From Forest Hills, OH ( http://www.foresthills.edu ): Out of the Box, Collaborative Learning Connections

Excited by revelations of school Nings promoting communication, of collaboration among school faculties; of opportunities to bring parent parking lot conversations into the school arena and move forward using the affordances of current technology, of book studies via blogs, of students blogging for a global audience, of comprehensive plans for district wide communication and collaboration on best practice, of exemplary examples of 21st century student learning, of innovative projects to change the temperament and culture of a school, of team members becoming experts ready to share with their colleagues—

All precursors to the blossoms at the impending final culminating celebration of the cohort—

And here, a sigh and happiness again, as these incredible educators who embraced the PLP process that enables and encourages shifts become established in new landscapes.

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Lani Ritter Hall

Lani is Community Leader for Powerful Learning Practice. She also serves as the “Newbie Maven”, helping along and nurturing newbies to the PLP experience, as well as facilitator for the Connected Coaches. Lani brings more than 35 years of teaching experiences in urban, sub urban, and independent schools at the middle/secondary level in the U.S and Canada to this work. A national board certified teacher, she and her students began collaborating globally in the late 1980’s. Lani has created and facilitated professional development around technology infusion into learning for over twenty years and served in a leadership role for the K12Online Conference for 2 years. She is co-author of The Connected Educator: Learning and Leading in a Digital Age.
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