Chinook’s Edge School Division Office
Team Members: Dot Negropontas, Kory Sholdice, Margo Nygard, Barb Mulholland, and Lissa Steele
Community: Canadian Year 1, 2010-2011
Currently Chinook’s Edge School Division is using distributed learning to offer high school courses between schools in the division. The objective of this project is to create a framewrok that will facilitate and ensure high quality coursed delivery in the future.
How do we ensure high quality teaching and high levels of student intellectual engagement in distributed learning courses? How do we move distributed learning forward in CESD?
- Create a framework to support teachers and administrators in implementing distributed learning courses.
- Create a process for courseware development using a learning management system that promotes active learning and student intellectual engagement. Clear criteria, Design principles, Co-created with teachers who specialize in subject area
- Develop a process for supporting DL teachers (coach).
- Develop guiding principles for administrators who wish to offer or receive DL courses. Student selection; Student supervision at remote sites; Timetabling; Parent communication; Student late entry for DL courses; Start up project.
- Develop guiding principles for teachers who will offer DL courses: Course construction, Course delivery, Student interaction, Student assessment, Parent Communication
- Develop a training plan for DL teachers: VC, Moodle, Elluminate, document camera, Brigit, etc.
- Develop a process for course evaluation for students, teachers and administrators
- Identify key infrastructure needs and courseware opportunities for DL teaching and learning – Troubleshooting flowchart
- Identify a long term funding model for DL.
- Talked with Board in regards to developing a common timetable for K to 12
- Call a meeting of K-12 and interested principals-major goal is common timetable
- Began discussions with COLT (Central Office Leadership Team) group regarding development of courses
- Set asides funds for DL for 2011/2012 including teacher support money and PD
- Tracking the journey of the DL teacher and issues (Tech) Coaches Ongoing
- Find out about whats going on with LAN techs (tiering) Whats happening in IT and how will this directly impact DL?
- What is the IT/LAN Tech role in supporting VC (DL)?
- May ADCOS, 2011
- Teach Anyware Phone Meeting
- (physics20/30, Spanish 10/20, French 10/20/30, Math 31). Is there a way to build collaboratively across districts? Is there someone who has started one that we can build off? Are their subjects that we can swap (share) that are already done? See notes from phone meeting below.
- Set up Wiki (move from PB) – make user friendly for Teachers
- Best Practices Research for DL
- Troubleshooting Help Talk with M.W.
- Vetting forms (for admin and teachers)
- Updated training on VC for PLP team – digital; screen capture .
- Elluminate training for PLP team
- Moodle training for PLP team
- Assessing the framework – teacher and admin., central office (Checklist – what worked; roadblocks) – pre and post
- Current state/desired state – use this process to assess our progress (pre-post) – Feedback loops on course design and delivery – surveys and conversations – administrators, teachers, students. Do we measure framework with this process??
- Long term funding model established
- IT stability/issues – How quickly problems are addressed, Number of problems, Teacher ability to troubleshoot
Check out this team’s
PLP wiki page for more details and updates about its action research.
About Action Research Projects
Action research is a process in which Powerful Learning Team members collaboratively examine their own educational practice systematically and carefully. Action research is:
- Disciplined inquiry into a problem or possibility within the school or classroom
- Collaborative and usually takes place in a community of practice
- Meaningful, positive, and reflective
- Data-driven, action-based, improvement-focused
- Transformative
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Sheryl is the co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Powerful Learning Practice. She works with schools and districts from around the world helping them to infuse technology into their curriculums and by leading other digital conversion efforts.
Sheryl also consults with governments, educational organizations and non-profits in development of their various professional learning initiatives.
Sheryl is a sought-after presenter at national and international events, speaking on topics related to digital and online learning, teacher and educational leadership, online community building, and other educational issues impacting children of poverty.
Sheryl served on the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Board of Directors for six years. She co-authored The Connected Educator: Learning and Leading in a Digital Age with Lani Ritter Hall. Sheryl has four children and four grandsons, Luke, Logan, Levi and Tanner and a trio of dachshunds. You can find out more on her blog and on Twitter @snbeach.