Professionals need ways to collaborate that transcend space and time barriers; technology holds many possibiltiies for overcoming these barriers without compromising the quality of the experience. For all Alberta school divisions, AISI resources are significantly reduced for the coming school year, magnifying the need to innovate in our networking strategies. As well, lead teachers provide leadership and support for staff capacity relative to digital learning and citizenship.
We want to create a meaningful context in which teachers to learn skills that they can use as professionals and with students.
- ‪Supporting 20 Lead teachers from 25 schools build their PLN‬
- Building a robust network of professional learners with capacity to tweet, blog, flip, bookmark, digitize learning, and make collaborative docs (!) ‬
On February 28 and March 1, school teams from our entire school division contributed to a collective assessment of 21st century skills in our schools. Wow, the data was vivid! Our AISII Leads pre-survey RESULTS told us most were at a Beginning level (measured according to beginning, developing, achieving, excelling) in confidence and skill.
Prior to our session with AISI Leads on April 28, we each prepared a Pecha Kucha presentation on 6 different topics.
Each Pecha Kucha ended with a focus question that prompted participant discussion:
Maureen – Setting context for the day (What’s with the Ps–PLP, Pecha Kucha, PLN)
Ken – introduction to social bookmarking
Pat – introduction to Twitter
Deb – cameras and digital visuals in the classroom
Sharon – introduction to blogging
Karen – introduction to Google Docs
January to April 2011 – Data gathering and planning
Pre-survey Leads
Pre-survey Results
April 28, 2011 – Implementation day (step 1)
May 27, 2011 – implementation support continues during face-to-face PD session
2011-12 school year – implementation support continues as AISI Leads build individual PLNs and we explore ways as a group to integrate technology in our collaboration practices.
Our lessons learned include:
- This is not a one-shot PD experience. We will provide ongoing support and relevant context.
- Our teachers had a mixture of excitement and anxiety about the day before it began.
- We will be measuring the next stage at our May 27, 2011 AISI Leads session and again in the 2011-12 school year.