Our district is considering having students bring their own devices to school. Although very practical, many teachers have not used these tools or considered their teaching practices and pedagogy to support the use of student owned devices. This action research was to get equipment in the hands of teachers to do a small interactive pilot of the equipment with a focus on student engagement, student achievement, teacher pedagogy and collaboration.
Focus: Improve achievement for all students, bridge the digital divide and enhance instruction
1. Provide professional development support to adapt instruction to optimize the benefits of student one to one technology environment
2. Increase student achievement, engagement, and ability to learn how to effectively learn in a digital environment
3. Create and support equitable opportunities for student learning through the use of technology as a learning tool in a mandated programs of study
4. Collect student and teacher data on the impact of the project through a legacy report that we post in a collaborative wikispace
5. Identify factors in professional development, preparation, lesson design, use of technology and assessment that are important in implementing digital teachng and learning approaches.
6. The development of promising practice that can be shared across the division
7. To improve the attainment of 21st century skills in key areas – inventive thinking (inquiry, ciritcal thinking, problem solving) high productivity, collaboration, effective communication, and digital age literacy.
8. To build a foundation based on the concept of digital citizenship
9 An increased understanding of issues and considerations that impact the successful implmentation of classroom technologies.
October -One-to-one Learning Initiative Application Form sent to administrators and teachers
Round 1 – October PD and introduction to the equipment
November – 1/2 way checkup
December – post on the wiki and share with Round 2 teachers
Round 2 – December PD and introduction to the equipment
January – 1/2 way checkup
February – post on the wiki and share with Round 3 teachers
Round 3 – February PD and introduction to the equipment
March – 1/2 way check up
April – post on the wiki and share with Round 4 teachers
Round 4 – April PD and introduction to the equipment
May – 1/2 way check up
June – post on the wiki and shared
3-D wiki is where teachers post what happened in the project and the evidence of whether these outcomes have been achieved. We have discovered that success is our learning and some of our learning is in what did not happen they way we thought or intended.
We are presently collating the information from the wiki to complete our action research project to discover big learnings, recommendations and create a plan for next steps. We are presently creating a plan for new equipment for purchase for next year.