ISTE PLP Booth Volunteer Signup

Are you a PLPeep who’s going to ISTE? We’d love to have you as a volunteer at our booth in the Exhibit Hall. BOOTH # 2044

What do I have to do?

Share your contagious enthusiasm about your PLP experience with other ISTE attendees who stop by the booth, answer questions, help people sign up for the newsletter (for the chance to win a free eCourse), pretend Will’s jokes are funny, and spend quality time with us (we want to hang with you!).

How long do I have to stay?

1 hour minimum, more if you’re up for it!

What do I get?

  • Volunteer for 1 hour – get a limited edition PLP t-shirt
  • Volunteer for 2 or more – get a limited edition PLP t-shirt plus a special thank-you-gift

How do I sign up?

Type your name into an available time slot (or two or three!) below – don’t forget to scroll down to page two, there are 3 days you can sign up for. Only two people are needed per time slot. Thanks so much for volunteering!

Click Here to Volunteer


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During a 25-year education career, Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach has been a classroom teacher, technology coach, charter school principal, district administrator, university instructor and digital learning consultant. Sheryl is the co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Powerful Learning Practice, where she works with schools and districts from around the world to re-envision their learning cultures and communities through the Connected Learner Experience and other e-learning opportunities. She is the author (with Lani Ritter Hall) of The Connected Educator: Learning and Leading in a Digital Age (Solution Tree, 2012) and serves on the ISTE Board of Directors.
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