Last week, we asked, “What’s your favorite first day of school activity?” Here are eight great ideas to break the ice, get students to warm up to one another, and establish rapport on the first day of school.
Carol VanHook uses Stand Up, Sit Down! to get to know her students
- If you have a dog, stand up.
- If someone other than you took the dog out to the bathroom this morning, sit down.
- If you have a cat, stand up.
- If someone, other than you, fed the dog or cat sit down.
- If you are an only child, stand up.
- If you are the youngest child in the family, sit down.
- If you are going to take a trip this coming Labor Day weekend, stand up.
- If you stayed up, past 11:00 last night, sit down.
- If you have received an A on an assignment during these past eight days of school, stand up.
- If you did not eat a good healthy breakfast….lots of milk product, cereal, fiber and fruits, sit down!
- If you helped a neighbor this summer, stand up.
- If you received a kiss or a hug, this morning from someone, sit down.
Directions: Stand if the item applies to you. Keep standing through the next item, unless it directs you to sit down. Hopefully, you will have many students standing when you get to #12. Very few will sit down on #12! Give these students a candy kiss or hug and say, “Everyone deserves a kiss (hug)!” — This leads to further discussions about pets, helping others, healthy eating and habits, traveling, etc. after the activity.
Cathy Beach uses Marble Maze: Small group challenge
Using only the materials provided (empty cereal/kleenex/duotang boxes, 3 large index cards, 1 empty toilet roll tube, pair scissors/person, 1.5 metre masking tape, and 1 marble, construct a maze so that your marble drops from a minimum height of 30 cm (12 inches) to the ground/surface in the longest amount of time possible. Minimum time must be greater than 3 seconds.
Christen Dodd gets them connected
I say get kids excited about being connected learners right away I would do two activities to get them excited about the possibilities:
Introduce Skype and share the intro to “Skype in the Classroom” video with students
During the first day of school, have students add a tweet to the class account & share what they are most excited to learn or desire to learn this upcoming year. Then encourage parents and other educators to send tweets back to the class throughout the day.
Marsha Ratzel uses a quiz
I’m going to do a “quiz” titled Mrs. Ratzel by the Numbers. So students will have to see how well they know me…and learn about me through my 9 or 10 questions. I wrote about this on my blog.
Then we’ll turn it around and I’ll ask them to write _____ by the Numbers where they tell me the most important 5 numbers in their life and why.
Since I wrote the post, I’ve had several comments and Tweets which have led me to figure out a couple more things to make this even better. I can use their _______ by the Numbers as a dry-run for blogging on Edmodo. Other students can read and comment(with a post-it). This way we’ll get a chance to talk about high quality commenting and doing some paper blogging. Also when we’re done with that, I can use all of these for my bulletin board.
With 140+ ________by the Numbers, every student will have something up in the room that represents them and I can continue to look at those to get to know them better and better. Plus I think they’ll like that it’s their faces they see.
Michelle Fenn uses art to get students excited
I do a cooperative artwork project. I give each group of about 4 or 5 kids a huge circle shaped piece of paper (cut out of the big white mural paper).
- They have to divide the circle using different kinds of line but the parts must all be connected somehow and have balance. The parts must all be bigger than their hand.
- They then paint (tempera) in the shapes keeping in mind that the painting needs balance of colour and they have to work together to get that done-move around the circle.
- Once the tempera is dry they take black acrylic paint and outline the spaces in the circle.
- They come up with a group name for their paintings and a good reason for the name.
- As a group they present their painting, discuss what worked well and what they like most about the painting and the process.
**these paintings easily cover two bulletin boards and are very impressive for fall open houses!
Jane Cooper uses sculpture
I give each student their own container of play dough. They sculpt whatever they wish, and then I have them write about and illustrate their creation, They then give their creation to their neighbor, who will blog about their partner’s creation. Of course, the original artist responds to the post where the. buddy digitally described their creation on the blug.
Patti Grayson gets them going with Voki
This year, I’m going to have students create a Voki with facts about themselves they would like to share. We’ll project them on my whiteboard and try to guess who is who!
This gives even my shy students a chance to create something and share without feeling all eyes are on them. It also gives us a chance to do something fun with our netbooks, and will lead into my chat about using them in the classroom.
Denise Weintraut uses a seating activity
This year, I’m planning to start off with the cooperative seating activity discussed in the blog by Sandy Merz. Once students are seated, they’ll write me a letter about their hopes and dreams, favorite/hated books, and past learning experiences. Then, I’ll work in a bit of character education and have them express themselves via bulletin board graffiti. They’ll answer how they want to be treated by others, how they want to treat others, and how they want to resolve conflicts. We’ll use this info. as a springboard for classroom rules. Plus, it puts student work on display for back-to-school night.
These activities will allow students to work collaboratively, offer personal expression, and demonstrate to me how they’ll function in the class.
Thank you to all the educators who submitted their ideas!
If you have a favorite first day of school activity, leave it in the comments!
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At the end of each year I had my exiting 8th graders write letters of advice to my next year’s incoming 8th graders about science class. I chose about 35 to use for an opening day activity.
The first day of school I handed out the letters to the new 8th graders. After reading the letters, I let each one introduce herself/himself and share one bit of advice from the letter. (Some was hilarious!) Then I asked them to share something they hoped would happen in science this year.
My first day of school is with teacher education candidates! I have them do an “active multiple choice” quiz about their own learning style. I set out 4 pylons that represent A, B, C and D, then ask questions related to learning preferences and they go to the response that best suits their answer. Once there, they have to come up with one thing that everyone in that group has in common. Leads to within group discussions and “get to know you” conversations, beginnings for talks about learning theory and assessment, and provides knowledge for me about their preferences. Plus, it gets them out of their desks!
I have my 8th grade science students complete the marshmallow challenge (, it’s a great ice breaker, and encourages teamwork and problem solving from day 1.
Mike, when you do the marshmallow challenge, how do you bring it all together in the end? It sounds like a totally fun activity, I’m just unsure how you make it a meaningful activity that will impact the students.
Hi Anna,
I actually post a discussion on Edmodo, asking the kids why we spent the first day of school doing this activity. They reflect on how it would relate to the course. We read through the discussions the next day before I assign a science-heavy lab in which they face a similar, but more curriculum focused challenge. It’s a fun activity, a good ice-breaker, and reinforces the importance of teamwork and collaboration.
I really like this idea-i watched the video about it and I think that a debriefing afterwards would be extremely valuable! It will certainly show you who the leaders are and who can think outside the box. Thanks!
I also considering doing this because I think that the debriefing will be valuable. I teach grade 7 and I think I will also re-do the challenge during our structure unit in science.
I just played with a new tool called “PowToon” and created an introduction for my students. It’s easy to use, and a great deal of fun!
Another fun and educational idea is to grow a pet TickleMe Plant from seeds and watch how the leaves fold and the branches droop when you Tickle It!
Amazing and real!
See video
Hi Michelle,
Awesome idea! Do yo have a sample picture?