Today is a big day here at Powerful Learning Practice!
We are celebrating the launch of Powerful Learning Press — our own unique publishing venture — by giving away a free interactive eBook that we hope will inspire more educators to become connected learners.
About this free eBook
The Connected Teacher: Powering Up shares stories written by teachers and school leaders who are making the shift to technology infused, student-driven learning on behalf of their iGeneration students.
The 22 helpful articles in Powering Up first appeared here in our Voices from the Learning Revolution group blog. In addition to the original text, the book includes images, clickable links, videos and selected comments from readers of the original posts.
You can download your free copy at the new Powerful Learning Press website.
“We want to create vital, action-oriented books that give teachers and other educators the advice and encouragement they need to make the shift to connected learning,” — Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach, PLP co-founder and CEO
While you’re there, be sure to read about our plans for PLPress and our refreshingly different approach to education publishing. And if you’re an active educator thinking about writing a book of your own, visit the Write for Us page and share what you have in mind!
What are you waiting for? Get your free eBook, find out all about the press, and join us for a launch party! Visit the site now!
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