Join us for a free webinarBudgets are tight and time is more valuable than ever. But today, professional learning and being on the cutting edge of technology as well as teaching is vital for educators like you and me.

In the coming weeks, join us for a free, one-hour, live webinar where you’ll learn all about Powerful Learning Practice. Talk with Powerful Learning Practice CEO and co-founder Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach as well as other PLP staff members. Find out who we are, what we believe, what’s in store for 2013, and how you can get involved. Ask your questions and get some answers.

Find out how PLP can help bring your teaching practice into the 21st Century. Sign up for one of our convenient dates and times below.

All webinars are listed in Eastern Time. If you are in a different time zone please use the Time Zone Converter. International participants please select USA-New York for the location.

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Sheryl is the co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Powerful Learning Practice. She works with schools and districts from around the world helping them to infuse technology into their curriculums and by leading other digital conversion efforts. Sheryl also consults with governments, educational organizations and non-profits in development of their various professional learning initiatives. Sheryl is a sought-after presenter at national and international events, speaking on topics related to digital and online learning, teacher and educational leadership, online community building, and other educational issues impacting children of poverty. Sheryl served on the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Board of Directors for six years. She co-authored The Connected Educator: Learning and Leading in a Digital Age with Lani Ritter Hall. Sheryl has four children and four grandsons, Luke, Logan, Levi and Tanner and a trio of dachshunds. You can find out more on her blog and on Twitter @snbeach.

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