Thank you to all that were able to join us live to talk about Engaging Learners while remote teaching and learning.
We loved hearing everyone’s thoughts and ideas, and the different ways that you are engaging students through this challenging time.
If you weren’t able to join us or would like to watch a replay, you will find it above! If you weren’t able to join us or would like to watch a replay, you’ll find it above! Want to review past Coffee Chats? Go here.
Don’t forget we’ll be connecting every Tuesday at 6:00 PM ET, next week, on May 12th, we’ll be talking about Creating Out of the Box Digital content, and we’d love for you to come as we create a collaborative tool kit, discuss tons of examples of great ideas, and share pedagogy and ready-made content!
Congratulations to Susan Dauncey for winning the $25 gift certificate for a local business of her choice! Be sure to attend live next week for your chance to win our next drawing!
For a list of upcoming chat titles and to register to attend, click the button below!