We all need it to thrive during a global pandemic. Adaptive expertise, teach it, cultivate it, own it. As we live through a pandemic, we’re all finding our way through fast paced change. Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach shares how adaptive expertise allows us to pivot quickly, make decisions and model for those around us.

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Jennifer Bloomingdale

Jennifer Bloomingdale graduated from the College of St. Rose with a Bachelors in Childhood Education and a Masters in Educational Technology. She is a former classroom teacher who developed a passion for integrating technology and assisting others in doing so. Jennifer has been an eCourse facilitator at Powerful Learning Practice since 2012, where she developed and facilitated courses on using Google Apps for Education and integrating technology. Her work at PLP introduced her to the world of coaching, which has lead to her becoming a certified evocative coach and an instructional coach.

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