by Ed Allen | Oct 12, 2011 | Making The Shift, The Moral Imperative, Voices
The accessibility that is built into Apple products has changed not only my working and personal life, but the lives of millions of people with vision impairments and other challenges that can be overcome with the right technology. The fact that I can get up each day, check my mail, visit my personal learning network on Twitter, read a chapter in my latest favorite book on my iBookshelf, send and receive a text message, check the score of a game, or check in with FourSquare and locate friends, means that for me, and people like me, everything has changed. And Steve Jobs made this possible. The impact of it all cannot be overestimated.
by Ed Allen | Jul 21, 2011 | Making The Shift, The How of 21st Century Teaching, Voices
Our netbooks pilot has set us on a path toward a 1 to 1 networked environment in our high school. In our next step, we’re expanding the group to include a Theology teacher and a Spanish teacher. Our first trial runs are teaching us something both about the challenges of 1-to-1 implementation and the powerful learning that can occur when classrooms become connected. (Includes video with student comments)
by Ed Allen | Mar 7, 2011 | The How of 21st Century Teaching, Voices
In this era where many of us understand the need for a true learning revolution, we often speak using words like critical thinking, collaboration, communication, and creativity. We call these 21st Century skills. The arts have incorporated these skills since humankind first picked up a brush or tapped out a tune. So here is an experiential post showing the power of the arts in schools, and how opening night in many ways is the ultimate project based assessment.