Where is your attention?

By John Pederson Congratulations! You are now following 500+ people on Twitter, have an RSS reader with 1000+ unread items, and feel a bit guilty that you never really made it around to using Diigo. No doubt you are beginning to feel a bit numb, like Lois. Family Guy...

True Collaboration

By John Pederson This past week the TriState PLP group was introduced to “The Project”. One important design principal in the PLP experience is that details of “The Project” are held back until a few months into the process.  This intentionally...

New Attitudes

By Dean Shareski Working with the Tri-State PLP cohort I asked them to share the highlights of their learning thus far. Identity is certainly a major theme. Helen writes; The discussions of “digital citizenship” and creating digital footprints have...

6 Days into PLP

By Dean Shareski Entering year two as a Community Leader working with the Tri-State PLP, I’ve noticed a striking difference in the level of conversations that are already beginning. Sheryl and Will kicked off part of this group of teachers on Sept 22nd and in...