PLP Live: Could This Be Your First Day of Transformation?
Interview with Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach: “I think this conference is going to be incredible. This is not marketing talk — this is my passionate belief: If you are a teacher or school leader who is feeling more and more restless about shifting your professional practice to serve the urgent, unmet needs of iGeneration students, this could be the day your transformation begins.”
"Do Not Tell Me You Do Not Have Time" to meet the needs of 21st century learners
Tim Holt’s new post — “Ballad of a Frustrated Staff Developer” — has stirred lively comment at our Voices from the Learning Revolution group blog. Tim, an IT leader & tech integration specialist in El Paso, Texas, was letting off some serious steam when he penned his poetic plea DO NOT TELL ME. He recounts many “excuses” he’s heard from teachers about why they can’t more fully engage in shifting their instruction to meet the needs of 21st century learners. Read Tim’s post, some thoughtful pushback, and a supportive reply from PLP leader Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach.