New for 2013: GO DEEP with your teaching practice

This is not just a sit-and-get experience. It’s not your average two-day conference that gets you excited but then leaves you wondering, “What next?” This is your chance to go deeper. This is 7 months of coached, personalized professional learning where you will be a participant in changing your own teaching practice. You’ll co-create content in a collegial, exclusive community of practice full of other educators just like you who share your struggles and obstacles.

Creating a culture of collaboration at The Friends School of Baltimore

We started with the idea of developing a culture of collaboration, and then saw the value of being a connected learner and merged the two ideas. Collaboration has been identified as a core element of the Teaching and Learning Paradigm at Friends School. Being learners ourselves helped us develop empathy for others who are just beginning this journey, and we wanted to help others see the value in developing a PLN, and then see how this would increase our ability to collaborate.