Making the Shift to Active Learning… and Why Technology is Not Enough

Making the Shift to Active Learning… and Why Technology is Not Enough

Technology helps students with connecting, creating and sharing, but devices are invisible in my definition of active learning. We need to be chanting: empowerment, collaboration, equity, agency, self actualization, and transcendence for kids and for us all within a system that serves as the birth place for every other profession. We need to be chanting these things instead of technology, technology, technology.

PLP Live: Could This Be Your First Day of Transformation?

Interview with Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach: “I think this conference is going to be incredible. This is not marketing talk — this is my passionate belief: If you are a teacher or school leader who is feeling more and more restless about shifting your professional practice to serve the urgent, unmet needs of iGeneration students, this could be the day your transformation begins.”

Aggregate, Curate and Create Your Own Textbook

With information being ubiquitous, I believe that teachers can (and should) take control of their courses by creating their own interactive textbooks. It might seem like a daunting task, but the availability of quality materials online and the power of tapping into personal learning networks should make this a worthwhile learning journey. In this post I will explain the process of creating a digital textbook, tools for each step of the process, and strategies for involving students in its development.

The Essence of Connected Leadership

As effective leaders do what they are called to do, they look back and support their followers. This support generates energy and gives the group strength to keep moving forward. I have seen this kind of leadership among those who mentor new teachers and assist them to find their voice and their gifts in the classroom. I have seen this in educators who take a reluctant learner and set their soul on fire with love of learning through their personal interest.