by Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach | Jul 8, 2013 | Making The Shift, Teacher Leadership 2.0, The Teaching Life, Voices
Taking the posture of a learner first, educator second requires us to understand that we will never arrive at the place of “super educator.†The truth is that even if we solve the problems facing us as a profession, the solutions will only give way to new problems. Now more than ever we need to become the learners we have always wanted our students to be. We do not need information about teaching and learning. We need revelation.
by Sr Geralyn Schmidt | Apr 2, 2013 | Student Life, Teacher Leadership 2.0, The How of 21st Century Teaching, Voices
Teacher and technology coordinator Sister Geralyn Schmidt reflects on the responsibility of teachers to work with parents as they guide their children in safe and productive online activities.
by Jennifer Carey | Dec 14, 2012 | Making The Shift, Teacher Leadership 2.0, The How of 21st Century Teaching, Voices
Every teacher who has attempted to integrate technology into the classroom knows that getting parents on board can sometimes be a challenge. Your efforts to engage students and develop digital skills can become the scapegoat explanation for problems that have nothing to do with tech. So how do educators get these parents into our corner? Here are some strategies I’ve used successfully to gain parent buy-in.
by Shelley Wright | Nov 8, 2012 | Less Teacher, More Student, Teacher Leadership 2.0, The Compelling Need for Change, The How of 21st Century Teaching, Voices
I used to think I was a pretty good teacher. Now I realize that I did the best I could with the knowledge I had, but my classroom was woefully inadequate for many of my students. I failed to equip them with what they needed. I now believe my students are competent to show me what they need, if only I take the time to listen and ask authentic questions. I’m becoming a better teacher by giving up a lot of what I used to think.
by Jenny Luca | Sep 7, 2012 | Connected Leadership, Teacher Leadership 2.0, The Teaching Life, Voices
Many educators are being invited to speak at TEDx gatherings in Australia, North America and around the world. Australian teacher leader and librarian Jenny Luca thought it might be useful “to analyse the process I went through putting a talk like this together. It may help if you’re asked to do something similar.”
by Brian Crosby | Jul 6, 2012 | Making The Shift, Teacher Leadership 2.0, The Compelling Need for Change, Voices
After years of having a consistent online presence, I’m continuing to come to terms with my lack of blogging and other writing/sharing in the school year just past. But I think I can say that my muted voice is in part the result of a ever-increasing focus on the all-important high stakes tests, and the strict curriculum controls and direct-instruction mandates that have grown up around the national “accountability” movement.