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Get your questions answered. Our teams will come to you live to discuss their strategies for saving the earth, so have your questions ready. Join us on April 11, 2011 at 3:15 CT / 4:15 ET via Elluminate. Ask our student/teacher scientists anything. Your future is in their hands! Learn more here:

We’ve been on the edge of our seats, waiting for our brilliant scientists to determine how they were going to SAVE the WORLD. The first attempt is in, and you can watch it here. Assisted by their teachers, three young scientists from St. Anastasia’s School in Newtown Square PA (the Spartans) and two from Germantown Friends School in Philadelphia PA (the Tigers) did animations using FrameByFrame. They Skyped with each other and also with a physics teacher, and used Google Apps to share information. Finally, they wrote a script and met for one morning to record their video.

And–you are invited to the event. Join us in Elluminate to see if Earth is saved –and ask your questions about project based learning to our expert students! The event will be April 11-that’s Monday–at 4:15 EDT or 3:15 Central. The first set of presentations were fantastic. You don’t want to miss this one.

Astroid 11

From the Jack M. Barrack Hebrew Academy:

AIS Student PLP Project from Julie Diana on Vimeo

Spartiger Research Saves the World from Ann Perrone on Vimeo.

And, if you want to see the Kentic Impactor in action, check it out:

The Kinetic Impactor from Ann Perrone on Vimeo.

We’ll keep listing the students’ projects as they come in. Check back often!

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Susan Carter Morgan

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