School/Cohort: Australia’s Connect U

Team Name: Creativity

Team members: Mel Cashen, Jodi Woodward, Michelle Blanksby, Kynan Robinson, Kristen Swenson, Simone Hobbs, Kimberley Hall, Elyse Gill, Clare Rafferty

Problem, Issue, or Possibility: What is Creativity? What do learners need to be creative? How do you assess creativity? How do you create a creative environment?

Objectives and Assessment: Our main goal for PLPConnectU is to create an integrated (cross-curricular) unit with our topic being Creativity. Once completed, this unit plan is something that all of us should be able to implement in our classrooms, regardless of grade level.

Our group discussed the importance of looking into creativity from the teachers’ point of view – i.e. we are hoping that by inquiring into creativity with our students, we’ll be finding that not only will the PBL approach change our practice, but so will the deeper thinking about creativity. Although we aren’t creating a second unit, we are wondering: How can our teaching become more creative?

Evaluation and Results: We discussed the importance of our students having really open options for how they will share their learning, so we didn’t decide on one way, but we did decide that creating an artefact would be an important creative outlet for expression and would help students articulate what they have learned.

What kind of options might students choose? Please add your ideas to the list.


Artifacts and Documentation: Film Animation – Jodi and Mel Learning for Life Film.docx – Animation Journey Booklet, Game Creation – Kynan and Kristen, Game Creation Unit – North Fitzroy Primary School, Game Creation PBL, Students Reflections (Collated) – North Fitzroy Primary School, Game Creation PBL

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