by Powerful Learning Practice | Aug 10, 2020 | Connected Educator, Connected Leadership, The Connected Educator
Unlike learning in face-to-face and traditional school settings, connected learners develop a more generic set of values that help them negotiate learning in blended environments. A primary shift for all of us who are creating learning and connecting with our students...
by Powerful Learning Practice | Jul 10, 2020 | Connected Educator, The Connected Educator
Join us for a study of the connected educator- a book club.
by Powerful Learning Practice | Feb 4, 2020 | Professional Development, The Connected Educator
Connected Educator Kumunidat Cohort 2 is in full swing! Press Release- Feb 4, 2020 Connected Educator Kumunidat 2020 Begins: Integrating Technology in the Classroom Project Enhancing Education through Technology (EETT), in cooperation with services from the...