5 Ways to Use Google Forms in the Classroom
Say goodbye to the days of collecting data with complex programs. Use Google Forms to easily collect a variety of data and get organized! 1. Create a Rubric Use the Scale or Grid questions to create a rubric for grading a project or assignment. Simply fill out one...Online Teacher Emergency
When an online teacher encounters eighth graders who don’t know much about online technologies, she has two choices: sneak out of the virtual room – or set about discovering what they ARE good at. Welcome to appreciative inquiry.
Join us for a #plpnetwork chat about PBL
Passion Based Learning? Project Based Learning? Problem based learning? Maybe you’re not sure what PBL is or how to make it work in your classroom. Or perhaps you’ve been experimenting with PBL and you’re not convinced that you’re doing it “right.” Let’s use this chat to share our tips for success both with the PLP community and beyond. If you are a PBL teacher please come help us dispel the myths.
Scaffolding for Deep Understanding
How can we help novice learners become more expert learners? Canadian educator Peter Skillen has created collaborative journal writing environments to move kids beyond social commenting and into deeper thinking. Here, he shares some of his techniques and invites dialogue.
VFLR Celebrates Connected Educator Month (Wk 2)
During Connected Educators Month we’re sharing frontline stories about what it means to be a connected teacher and leader, in the classroom and the school. Each Wednesday we’re featuring several articles by Voices from the Learning Revolution bloggers — posts that capture the spirit and immense value of connected professional learning.
THIS WEEK: Skyping across the globe in elementary; building active citizens in high school; leading schools where teachers collaborate and connect; and, in the middle grades, writing and publishing creative works online.