The collaborative #aisinetwork /#plpnetwork Action Research twitter chat was a rousing success, and we want to keep the knowledge momentum flowing. Join PLPeeps and friends on Twitter for another spectacular evening of connected learning! The next topic for our chat will play off another popular hashtag—#pblchat— but we hope to put our #plpnetwork passion based learning spin on it . Please join us Sunday, January 27th for a Twitter chat around the topic:
PBL: Building a Common Understanding
Sunday, January 27th, at 8p.m. EDT (NY)
Click here to convert to your timezone
Passion Based Learning? Project Based Learning? Problem based learning? Maybe you’re not sure what PBL is or how to make it work in your classroom. Or perhaps you’ve been experimenting with PBL and you’re not convinced that you’re doing it “right.” Let’s use this chat to share our tips for success both with the PLP community and beyond. If you are a PBL teacher please come help us dispel the myths.
How do I participate?
Fill out the form below to register for the chat.
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When it’s time for the chat, simply go to and login, then type #plpnetwork into the search box at the top. If you keep refreshing the search results, you will see the chat stream update. You can also use one of the monitoring tools we recommend below to join the chat.
Did we mention prizes?
Come for the conversation, and the prizes are just a bonus! Registering for the chat means you’re automatically entered to win some fantastic prizes including:
- History Channel Documentary DVDs
- $50 gift certificate good toward any 2013 PLP eCourse
- A free seat in our upcoming Intro to PBL e-Course.
Here’s your first chance to enter
Click the tweet button above to share this #plpnetwork chat invite.You’ll be entered in our random drawing for a printed copy (not e-book) of the book The Connected Teacher: Powering Up, and we’ll announce the winner at the start of the Twitter Chat.
What is a Twitter chat?
A Twitter chat is a lot like any other online chat, where people gather to talk about a specific issue. The great thing about a Twitter chat is it brings people together from all over world to a central area where they can interact in real time. To join a Twitter chat, you just need to know what hashtag is being used. A hashtag is simply a way to search topics on Twitter and is recognized as a word preceded by a “#,” such as #education or #plpnetwork.
More resources
Sign up here to get your free Twitter Handbook for Teachers, a 13-page guide to Twitter. This guide is for educators who are new to Twitter,or veterans to the social media platform who want to bring Twitter into their classrooms or grow their network. Grab yours here.
If you are new to chatting on Twitter, check out our post, How to get the most out of participating in a Twitter chat, for tips and ideas for joining us Sunday night!
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Amanda K
Latest posts by Amanda K (see all)
- Reflecting on Connected Learning with St. John's School - March 7, 2013
- To Flip or not to Flip? Join the twitter chat! - February 19, 2013
- Collective Intelligence Building Twitter Chat - February 2, 2013