Are you ready to make the shift in 2012 — to make it your resolution to use online tools for professional development, to create innovative action projects and to challenge yourself and your students by enhancing your personal learning networks?

Well, we’re still in the spirit of giving here at Powerful Learning Practice, and we want to help you make 2012 your most successful year ever.

That’s right, IT’S GIVEAWAY TIME! Here’s your chance to win your very own copy of  The Connected Educator: Learning and Leading in a Digital Age by Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach and Lani Ritter Hall. All learners—educators, teachers, administrators, curriculum developers, parents, and students—who have not yet considered the benefits of network and community participation, who have just dipped a toe into the torrent of opportunity, or who already are immersed in digital tools, need to read this book!

So, how can you WIN YOUR VERY OWN COPY? There are several ways to enter:

1) Comment on this blog post!

2) Follow Powerful Learning Practice on Twitter and tweet about The Connected Learner! Be sure to include a mention of @plpnetwork in your Tweet.

3) Like us on Facebook and post a comment on our wall that you want to enter our giveaway.

We’ll choose two winners at random by the end of New Year’s Day! Good luck and Happy New Year!


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