PLP Community Hub Free Micro-Workshops!
The PLP Community Hub was opened last month and we have so enjoyed welcoming our founding members! If you’re not familiar with the PLP Community Hub it includes: A community. One that has the ability to create topics, groups, and more. A community that will...19K Schools to Close on Monday – COVID-19
I was listening to the radio today and heard 19K schools closing on Monday. They are sending learning packets of worksheets home to let the learning continue. I thought, “Come on. We can do much better than that!”
Passion-Based Remote Learning: Could it work for you?
Do you have a sudden need for remote learning? We’re seeing a lot of schools across the world begin to think about what remote learning could like, and on top of that, how fast the plan can be put in place. There are so many factors to consider: What structures...Online Professional Learning Quality Checklist
This checklist for Future Ready Schools can be used by schools, districts, or individual educators to determine if a particular online activity is valuable and worth their time. The checklist also addresses best practice at the design level.