Creativity and Problem Solving – A 21st Century Marriage

It makes perfect sense when you think about it. Creativity is an invaluable tool in problem solving. In a digital age where innovation is highly valued, teaching creative problem solving is essential. It seems everything I’ve been up to recently has been leading to a focus on creative problem solving. The convergence of these events has had quite an impact on my thinking and teaching.

How Do You Define Achievement?

In the discussion over learning styles and measuring achievements, it’s important to take into account what educators see first-hand in class. To get a sense of their perspective on the subjects, MindShift editor Tina Barseghian asked educators who are part of our Powerful Learning Practice “Voices from the Learning Revolution” group blog to weigh in on what they’ve observed in their classrooms. Here’s what they say.

Constructing Creativity in the Classroom

A creative, kaleidoscope mind is one that innovates – invents – inspires. It takes what it knows and turns it upside-down, inside-out, and backwards to see what new possibilities and patterns emerge. It will be able to view a problem from many perspectives, and find a solution/design more rigid minds could not. I have coached an Odyssey of the Mind team for five years now, and I’ve seen evidence that creativity is definitely a skill that can (and should) be taught.

Being Aware

And the walls came tumbling down… industrial age institutions will continue to expand blindly, unaware of their part in a larger whole or of the consequences of their growth. Presence, Peter Senge At a recent church Vestry retreat, I spent time at Roslyn, a...