by Powerful Learning Practice | Feb 24, 2016 | Connected Leadership, future ready, Sheryl
Last year, while on tour with the #futureready leaders work I was helping to lead, I was scheduled to co-present at a conference with two young teacher leaders in Maryland. However, I got stuck in Iowa and we decided the best way to have me share my portion of the...
by Susan Lucille Davis | Feb 28, 2013 | Local Professional Collaboration, Passion Based Learning, The Teaching Life, Voices
As professional educators, how can we re-awaken the desire and capacity for learning on our own? Teacher leader Susan Lucille Davis suggests we revive a much beloved learning tool from childhood: Show and Tell.
by Lyn Hilt | Jan 15, 2013 | Connected Leadership, Making The Shift, Voices, What We're Reading
Like teachers, school leaders today must move beyond sit-and-get PD and take charge of their own professional growth. Elementary principal and Connected Principals contributor Lyn Hilt says Kristen Swanson’s new book, Professional Learning in the Digital Age, “provides practical, easy-to-follow steps towards becoming an effective user-generated learner.”
by Powerful Learning Practice | Nov 5, 2012 | PD, Powerful Learning Practice
At Powerful Learning Practice, we know PD. Over 7,000 educators around the globe have changed their teaching practice through our approach. But we’re letting the secret out – you can do it yourself. On November 20th at 7pm Eastern Time, join us for a free,...